Do you need to migrate from Xero to QuickBooks? Do you want to convert all lists and transaction history? Look no further, we have done this successfully several times!

Xero to Quickbooks Data Migration
We offer an industry-standard Xero to Quickbooks Premier, Pro, Accountant, Enterprise, or Quickbooks Online conversion. All versions of Xero can be migrated to Quickbooks or Quickbooks Online with 100% accuracy. The conversion will guarantee the Trial Balance, Profit and Loss, and Balance sheets in Quickbooks will exactly match your Xero data. All other financial reports including Aging A/R, Aging A/P will match as well. This is a full conversion of all lists and all historical transactions.
The following is a list of what is converted:
Lists- Chart of Accounts
- Customers List
- Jobs List
- Vendors List
- Employees List
- Other Names
- Items List
- Assembly Builds
- Non-Inventory Items
- Item Sales Tax
- Terms List
- Tracking Categories**
*All transactions are converted as Journal Entries except Invoices. Transactions are downloaded directly from the Xero API. There may be multiple transactions for every transaction since the API provides details of all modifications to the transaction. Invoices incompatible with the conversion or Quickbooks are imported as Journal Entries. You can request a post-conversion exception report of Invoices converted as Journal Entries.
**Classes are not converted for transactions that are not compatible with Quickbooks (such as journal entries with multiple A/P or A/R accounts that are not supported by Quickbooks). Classes are not converted by default and you need to request to convert tracking categories to classes prior to the conversion.
** Since the transactions downloaded into QuickBooks Online may not link the invoices with their respective payments, you may notice names that have zero balances in your A/R and A/P aging reports. We will send you instructions to fix the unlinked transactions.
***Payroll transactions are transferred to Quickbooks as regular checks because Quickbooks does not allow payroll data to be transferred and will not appear on payroll reports or W2 calculations. You will need to update employee YTD information into the Quickbooks data file after the conversion.
Note: If you are converting to Quickbooks Online (QBO), the conversion will overwrite all existing data in your QBO account. Do not enter any data into QBO if you are requesting a conversion to QBO.
What is not converted?
We currently only convert the core accounting information and not the following data types:
- Bill line item details
- Custom templates
- Budgets
- Location
- Bank Reconciliation
- Memorised transactions
- Non-posting transactions such as Estimates, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders are not converted
- Payroll Summary Data
- Multi-Currency data is not converted
- Customer and Vendor Credits are not applied to open transactions
- Attachments are not converted
How it works?
The conversion process is simple and is outlined below. We also offer an expedited conversion service.
- Step 1: Contact us using the form below to schedule the conversion.
- Step 2: All we need for the conversion is Advisor access to your Xero account, and the version of Quickbooks you are converting to. If you are converting to QBO, we will need a QBO invite as well. We will download all data from Xero and convert the data to the version of Quickbooks specified. After the conversion is completed, we will send you a download link to download the converted Quickbooks backup file that you will restore into Quickbooks. If you chose to convert to Quickbooks Online, your data will be uploaded to your QBO account.
- Step 3: We will send you a list of post-conversion tasks you will may to complete.
- Xero to Quickbooks Online
- Xero to Quickbooks Premier, Pro, Accountant, or Enterprise
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